Mosavir Ansarie, DTCD; Asif Naseem, MBBS; Aneeka Kasmani, MBBS; Rasheed Ahmed, MD; Muhammad Azeemuddin, MBBS
SESSION TYPE: Poster Presentations
PRESENTED ON: Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM
PURPOSE: No published data is available to provide any information about the status of Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD) in Pakistan. However this study is in continuation of presented data from 2008-11 (Ansarie et al, ERS 2012) to determine the ongoing incidence and relative frequency of various ILDs in Karachi, it’s most populous multiethnic city (20 million).
METHODS: We reviewed data from a registry catering to 4 pulmonology clinics in different areas of the city. The registry is based on a detailed questionnaire in which age, gender, exposure history, clinical presentation, HRCT and PFT findings are mandatorily recorded and also BAL, VATS & histopathology data if available. It prospectively recorded diagnosed ILD cases between January 2012 to August 2013.
RESULTS: In a total of 2065 pulmonology referrals during this registry period, the incidence of ILD was 5.1% (n=106) with a mean age of 55.9 years (±12.9 SD). Out of 106 ILD cases; Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) (33%), Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonitis (NSIP) (27.4%) and Sarcoidosis (19.8%) were the most frequent ILDs followed by Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) (9.4%), Collagen Vascular Disease Related (4.7%) and others (5.7%). Reporting females (n=70) outnumbered males (n=36). The incidence of IPF was significantly greater in males (47.2%; p=0.026) and NSIP occurred significantly more in females (34.3%; p=0.027) while the difference in incidence of sarcoidosis between the two sexes was insignificant (males 19.4% vs. females 20%; p=0.959). Interestingly, out of 18 IPF & 5 HP diagnosed housewives living in congested areas, 44.4% & 40% respectively had avian exposure due to home breeding/pets.
CONCLUSIONS: This ongoing registry establishes for the first time a rising incidence of ILD in Pakistani population and describes its diagnostic facets.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: We hope that this will lead to greater disease awareness and help us in expanding this registry to all major cities of Pakistan.
DISCLOSURE: The following authors have nothing to disclose: Mosavir Ansarie, Asif Naseem, Aneeka Kasmani, Rasheed Ahmed, Muhammad Azeemuddin
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